Sunday, April 08, 2012

Support the Kickstarter Campaign “WA-HE-GU-RU”

Elena Tchoujtchenko is a Kundalini yogi and documentarian.  Her films include looks at Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training with Harijiwan, Summer and Winter Solstice, and several yoga dvds.  She also filmed the Spirit Voyage 40 Day Global Sadhana videos for "Expand Your Intuition".  Her film about 3HO's Summer Solstice was awarded 2nd place at the Sikh Youth Film Festival in 2011.

Now Elena is making a documentary called "WA-HE-GU-RU" about Kundalini yogis, and specifically the Kundalini yoga teachers who choose to become Sikh.  She wants to study why people born into different backgrounds and faiths are drawn to dedicate themselves to the yogic lifestyle and to a new faith.

Donations to Elena's Kickstarter campaign will go towards the filming and post-production costs.  She says "The worldwide popularity of yoga and the story of the people who have dedicated their lives to teaching and creating a yogic lifestyle is a compelling tale that I feel really needs to be told."  Any contributions will go towards helping Elena to do just that.

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