Monday, May 31, 2010


Does dreaming really affect our lives?

Does it really make any difference with how we manage to live our lives in the midst of doubts and uncertainties?

Yes, it does!

Sometimes, what makes our day more relaxed and leaves us with a lighter feeling is enjoying the freedom of dreaming about good things that we hope to happen to our lives- without any limits or boundaries. We could freely think of things we surely know that would do our lives more good than damage.

We don't know what is in store for us. The things we do today are part of how we picture the kind of life we want to enjoy tomorrow.

We deal with things in our own unique ways. We are all players in our own worlds.

Sometimes we are being invaded by adversities, which block our way and distract our focus. But even with disturbances along our way, that act like our opponents whom we might think are stronger than we are, still, we opt to win. To lose is not an option. Nobody plays to lose. Nobody wishes for his own failure.

Dreaming is free. Each of us has his own dreams. We dream... and these dreams of ours sometimes bring out from us who we really are in terms of ways of how we deal with things. We tend to act according to what kind of dreams we have, with all the freedom of making our dreams come true.

Normally, people think of things that will help them grow, but there are those who take unlawful actions to get what they want.

A dream to me is a picture of the place where we want to find ourselves someday; it is how we want to see ourselves in the time to come, and it is like a draft of our own design of how we want things to look like by the time we get there.

There are those who just draw in their minds the picture of their dream life in the future. There are those who put on paper, through writing or drawing, the things they want to have.

I have the real happiness in my heart seeing my family enjoying the life we are living today... the kind of life that we never had in the past. I am so delighted helping my children work on their dreams and making those dreams come true!"

Dreaming keeps our lives in motion; it keeps us going. Dreaming is something that makes a difference in our lives; it makes us more energetic, more courageous and more positive in dealing with life. It gives us a better view about life so we probably learn to be more patient and to remain hopeful of finding, in our future, the things we are dreaming of.

In dreaming, there is no room for failure.

Of course, we think of things that will make us happy. But we should always keep in mind that God knows what is best for us, He gives us what we deserve.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Who Says You Cannot........?

Who says you cannot, Tell him he is wrong.
Bigger are you, than opinions, Much larger than you think.
What is needed but time, Till then in patience wait.
For want of success, You dare.
For want of glory, Striving, you must be,
With a heart that is set, Mind that is fixed, Arms that are ready.

Then shall you see, The rising of you, the inside 'you'.
High above the shadows, Beyond views and opinions.
Everyone will then know, When the phoenix rises, Nothing stands in the way.
When the storms subside, Opportunities come to play.
This is a law of life unsaid, Are you willing to embrace?

Time is coming when, You will rise and your problems, subdue.
Then will the sun shine, radiantly, On your way to success and grandeur.
Imperative it is to move on - now, For stagnation is the greatest disease.
Dynamic is the world you live in, Thus, keep up the pace.

Leave your worries to the worrier, For there are many - truly many.
Invest your 'you' in to edification, For you are called to prove That you are bigger than opinions.
You are commissioned to show, That you are larger than your shadow.
Keep up the pace And you shall prove so!

I Am Me

I am me. I have always been me, but for some reason or another I want to be someone else.
Why is it when I look in the mirror, I see someone that I do not like? Someone in fact, I loathe sometimes.

Do I not love myself?
Am I not good enough?

Did I do something wrong in life that has made me feel this way, or was something done to me to make me feel like this that is buried under years and years of hiding from it?

Maybe I should search the depths of my soul and reveal this pain inside and deal with it. Hmmm... that is a good idea.

I need to find myself and learn to love me for who I am and not the way someone else wants me to be. I am a great person, but never show how good I am because I am always trying to impress people into thinking I am who they think I am.

When will I stop settling for things that make me happy on the outside, safe and comfortable things, where I do not have to stretch and grow and become who I was meant to be???

I know I am fighting a never-ending battle with my inside on a daily basis. My heart tells me to do one thing, but my outside cowardly person tells me another.

The inside is the most important, right?

The opinion of the heart should win this all the time, right?

I know this will be uncomfortable for me, but that is where I will grow. I need to feel the pain of letting go, so I can truly enjoy my future.

When will I break out of this bubble that is surrounding me and sucking me in, and scream out to the world I AM ME?