Saturday, May 08, 2010

I Am Me

I am me. I have always been me, but for some reason or another I want to be someone else.
Why is it when I look in the mirror, I see someone that I do not like? Someone in fact, I loathe sometimes.

Do I not love myself?
Am I not good enough?

Did I do something wrong in life that has made me feel this way, or was something done to me to make me feel like this that is buried under years and years of hiding from it?

Maybe I should search the depths of my soul and reveal this pain inside and deal with it. Hmmm... that is a good idea.

I need to find myself and learn to love me for who I am and not the way someone else wants me to be. I am a great person, but never show how good I am because I am always trying to impress people into thinking I am who they think I am.

When will I stop settling for things that make me happy on the outside, safe and comfortable things, where I do not have to stretch and grow and become who I was meant to be???

I know I am fighting a never-ending battle with my inside on a daily basis. My heart tells me to do one thing, but my outside cowardly person tells me another.

The inside is the most important, right?

The opinion of the heart should win this all the time, right?

I know this will be uncomfortable for me, but that is where I will grow. I need to feel the pain of letting go, so I can truly enjoy my future.

When will I break out of this bubble that is surrounding me and sucking me in, and scream out to the world I AM ME?

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