Friday, September 11, 2009

Fear is like an ocean — time never warms its waters while we shiver and wait. Entering slowly is not a valid strategy to make it easier either. The cold is not erased by any amount of — "waiting until we are ready."If we are not ready now, we are not ready ever . . . that is the reality of time's illusion . . . "what is to be, already is" (Humee Hum Brahm Hum). Until we make our readiness active, our readiness is sleeping.

Being ready is a VERB — an action to act upon — not a condition to wait for. Ready is the courageous act of facing fears that are always present in everyone. Ready is the courageous act of facing these fears until they no longer face us — control us — limit us. Ready is about connecting with our projection . . . not our protection.

We tend to self-talk and guide life with words learned and crafted as an infant. They make up the weakest parts of our current story . . . with very little glory. These are the genetic fears of illusion's preservation — long past their actual usefulness — transferred through the generations in this way. Commitment is the antidote to these deep genetic stories. Breaking the codes of this family language overrides the way our world is controlled from deep in history. This allows us to be courageously present in the present time.

Courage is entering time to maximize it, not running ahead of it, or behind it. When we run ahead of it, we are anxious and jittery in the present — when running behind, exhaustive trepidation clouds even the simple task. Pay the greatest attention to our positive, committed emotions at this time; they will guide us forward and show us 'how'. Be disciplined to experience — but not act upon — all the negative voices that will naturally arise to counter.

Is this a huge challenge? Absolutely . . . but dive in and deal . . . the water will not get any warmer, but the swim will turn out fabulously.

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