Friday, January 11, 2008



This isn't how it's supposed to be, but honestly, if you as me how it is supposed to be, I'm not sure I can tell you.

You shelve one dream after another, talking yourself down from the ledges of your own imagination...and pretty soon, you're afraid to jump at all. You know what I'm talking about....the part of you that leaps up the wall without a rope, without a buddy, walking the tightrope without a net. Something else in you takes over, and it chains you to the ground, keeps you firmly rooted, two feet - not even a skip in your step.

You can't even open the window, let alone climb onto the ledge.

And then you look back on it - sometimes it feels like yesterday and sometimes it feels like someone else's memories, their dreams. A great story that a good friend told you - or was it a perfect stranger? and you're not even sure why you remember it, why it stuck with you.

A photograph album of dreams, someone else's album,
someone else's dreams.

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