Thursday, July 31, 2008

Enable ourself to be healthy, happy, holy, strong, vital, safe and conscious to achieve goals, evolve mission and fulfill destiny with every breath, sip, bite-step, drive and flight we take in the company of loving people to remember our purpose in their presence.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Utilize the leverage of trust to make every other sensation and emotion more effective.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Loving Parents..................................

It is very difficult to love your parents, I understand. The relationship is such that when a child is born the parents love the child -- it is instinctive. With the mother it is more so, because the father is not a natural phenomenon; it is just institutional. But the mother has an instinctive love towards the child. Not that she loves you -- there is no conscious decision about it, it is a natural pull just like gravitation. But the same pull does not exist from the child towards the mother; it cannot exist. It will exist from you towards your children -- that's the way the future is protected; that's a natural in-built mechanism to protect the future.

Your mother loved you, your father loved you... you will love your children, they will love their children. Nature is interested in the future, in the survival -- not in the past.

So there is no natural instinct for the child to love the mother. It has to be done with deep understanding. One has to be alert about it that it is just instinctive that the mother loves you and that it is also instinctive that you don't have any pull of that sort.

You can fulfil the duty, but if you don't have the pull, fulfilling the duty becomes ugly, so what is the way out? The natural pull is not there. You can force yourself unnaturally, but that is not good it kills your spontaneity and it makes you pretentious, and pretence is not good. Then what is the way out? The way out is to become more present.

Pretence is not the way, presence is the way... to become more alert about the situation -- that the mother carried you in her womb for nine months, that half of your being consists of your mother and half of your being consists of your father.You are here because of them: if they were not here you would not be here. All that is happening to you is, in a way, because of them.... One has to become aware of this.

And they have done much whatever they could do; more was not possible. Knowing well the type of persons they are, more was not possible so more cannot be expected. Whatever they did, that was all they could do -- they did their utmost. They have not been lacking, but they have a certain type of personality, they have a certain mechanism, and they are not meditators, so your responsibility becomes greater than their responsibility.

Whenever a person is in meditation, his responsibility is more than the person who is not in meditation, because more is expected from you -- existence expects more. It is almost like a man is walking on the road, drunk. You don't expect much -- if he goes to the wrong side, it's fine; if he sits just in the middle of the road, that too is all right. But you are not drunk. If you go to the wrong side, that is not acceptable: your responsibility is greater.

Exactly the same is the case with people who are not in meditation and they are living an almost mechanical life -- they may be your parents, may not be your parents; that is not the point. But you have entered a new life, you have entered in a new stream of consciousness, you have become a 'srotapanna'. Now your responsibility is greater... greater than ever! And you will not be able to forgive yourself if you do something irresponsibly.

This responsibility is not something that comes from the outside. Nobody can force anything on you, nobody is there to force. It comes from within; it is just your understanding that makes you responsible for many things. So just see the point: they are the type of people they are. Whatever they could do, they did -- to ask for more is meaningless. So whatever they have done you have to feel grateful for. And whatever is happening to you and will happen to you, they remain the causes. If some day you become enlightened, then you will have to feel grateful towards them. If you are breathing it is because of them, because they loved each other. If you are here, listening to me, it is because of them. They remain your foundation so don't forget the foundation, that's all.

It is not a duty, you cannot make it a duty. It cannot be a natural love, it can only be a compassion in deep understanding. I call it compassion. And when a child can feel compassion for his or her parents, great is the benefit for them and greater is the benefit for you. You will feel tremendously happy, at ease. You will feel very relaxed when you have carried out your responsibilities fully alert and aware.

So you just go and tell them and make them feel it is not only a question of telling: let them feel while you are there -- that they can depend on you, they can rely on you, that whenever the need arises you will be there. It's not a question of guarantee; it is guaranteed.

This time relate with them in a different way. Be more alert, look into your mother's eyes.... You may not have looked for years or you may not have looked at all. Nobody
looks into the mother's eyes -- a poor woman, she has lived a life but nothing much has happened to her. She may die without meditation, without prayer, without knowing anything of God. Feel for her, hold her hand, hug her! She is part of you, you are part of her! And in this way you can bring some new glimpse to them. Look into your father's eyes. Some day he will die and then there will be no
way to relate to him and you will miss him.

When a father dies, his death hurts very much -- not only as death. Death hurts naturally, but it hurts more when it is your father, because now there is nobody left to whom you can go and feel grateful, to whom you can go and do something that you always wanted to do, but you never did. Look into his eyes, hold his hand... do something for him! The death of the parents hurts more because now there is no chance to relate with them again. You will not be meeting them again ever. Life is so fragile! So whenever you are near your parents, remember one thing: they will die before you. You will be here for many years without them; then there will be no chance even to ask their forgiveness.

So don't miss this moment -- this time really be with them. Do something -- whatever you feel like doing -- feel for them, and maybe through your love, through your compassion, understanding, a new breeze enters their life, a new window opens. Talk about meditation; and they will ask you about it. They will see that you have changed, because you have never looked into their eyes, you have never been so loving, so understanding, so responsible... they will feel it! If they cannot feel it, then who will? The same life energy continues in you; you exist on the same wavelength. If they cannot feel then nobody can; they will be the first persons to feel. So let them feel what has happened to you, let them enquire,
talk to them, talk about me, take a few tapes. Sometimes meditate and tell them just to sit and see what happens. Let there be meditative energy in your home. One never knows -- a door can open any moment.

And they have been seeking the same joy that you are seeking, the same search has been there...perhaps unconsciously. Maybe they were not so fortunate and they couldn't find some key to open the locks, maybe they were trying to search but in the wrong direction --somehow it didn't happen. But if it has happened to you and is happening to you, take the message to them.


Concern is like a match—-it can light a process. Next step—-blow out the concern before it burns your fingers, then enthusiastically gather fuel for the process that you've lighted.

Monday, July 28, 2008

When I Am Reminded..............

Each day is a new beginning given by God
I am reminded how blessed I am as this road I tread.
A new friendship comes to mind and it is my treasure.
Watching a child at play is my greatest pleasure.
Being able to help a fallen soul will
be my greatest joy.
Watching a bird build a nest while the
world searches for rest.
I am reminded I am only a small part of his plan.
When skies are blue or gray you are always there beside me.
I am reminded of God's love at the site
of a rainbow after the rain.
When I see the flag I'm reminded of the
freedoms I share.
I remember God's love to me when I
suffer much pain.
As the clowns come to town I am grateful I'm able to laugh.
I'll share your heavy load to let you
know I care.
I am reminded day by day we have much to share.



I bow and I bow
because I don't know how
to do anything more
or less
than love you

I sit and I wait
because there's no where
to go without you
and now
is held only by a slender thread

I pray and I pray
for the day that you and I
become one, become we
free to be

Chant - Ek Ong Kar - for at Least 3 Minutes Daily to Clear the Brain

How to chant (Ek Ong Kar) the Ashtang Mantra

Begin by taking a full breath through the nose and Chant

Ek Ong Kar

Take another full breath through the nose and Chant

Sat Nam Siri

Now take a half breath through the nose and Chant

Wha - hey Guru

Take another full breath through the nose and begin the mantra again

Even though it is vastly more important what a mantra does physically than what it means mentally, the intellect always wants to know meanings — Ek Ong Kar means One Creator created the creation. Sat means life/truth and Nam means identity of life. Siri means great beyond description and Wahe Guru means — WOW infinite light comes from infinite darkness, the reality of the Cosmos.

The conscious mind relates to words and meanings. The sub-conscious and higher-conscious mind — which make up 95% of our mental body — relate to the symbols of imagery, and the sounds of melodies (ragas) and rhythms (taals). This is why art and music can move us at levels far deeper than any words can.

By chanting — over and over — the rhythmic sequence of these eight sound-beats, (EK ONG KAR SAT NAM SIRI WAHE GURU) the mind is entrained with this 8 = connection. There is a layering effect over the time that one chants this mantra, and eventually the big wheel of GOD runs the little wheel of self — appearing in our life as — THY will is MY will.

Chant this mantra to focus, structure, discipline and empower the mind.

Life Story

Pressure, friction, stress and tension are the bonding forces that hold the atoms and molecules of matter together . . . they will always be here as long as we are. Matter is the stage on which the play known as "Creation" unfolds.
How do you work with those forces that bond us . . . how do you handle the pressure, the friction, the stress and the tension? This is how your story is told.


When circumstances govern our lives—-life is seldom rewarding . . . we have become a passenger in 'OPR'—-'other people's realities'.

Friday, July 25, 2008


In life we are consistently surrounded by a variety of characters . . . each one bringing lessons. It is never about the character with the lessons . . . it is always about the lessons in the character.

Human Life

"The purpose of the entire practice of all of human life is, when you breathe the breathe of life, you know that you are breathing it. You give it to Infinity as an offering. Then close your eyes, and say 'Wahe Guru' and be One. That act of that moment is the purpose of life."

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Eat, Pray, Love

“…if you sit down with the pure intention to meditate, whatever happens next is none of your business. So why are you judging your experience?”

“Just as there exists in writing a literal truth and a poetic truth, there also exists in a human being a literal anatomy and a poetic anatomy. One you can see; one you cannot. One is made of bones, teeth and flesh; the other is made of energy and memory and faith. But they are both equally true.”

“…the rules of transcendence insist that you will not advance even one inch closer to divinity as long as you cling to even one last seductive thread of blame. As smoking is to the lungs, so is resentment to the soul; even one puff of it is bad for you…”

Maya Angelo ~ Nubian Queen ~ Every Woman Should Have…Every Woman Should Know…


Enough money within her control to move out
And rent a place of her own even if she never wants
To or needs to…

Something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her
Dreams wants to see her in an hour…

A youth she’s content to leave behind…

A past juicy enough that she’s looking forward to
Retelling it in her old age…

A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill

One friend who always makes her laugh… And one who
Lets her cry…

A good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone
Else in her family…

Eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a
Recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored…

A feeling of control over her destiny…

How to fall in love without losing herself…

How to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship …

When to try harder… And when to walk away…

That she can’t change the length of her calves,
The width of her hips, or the nature of her parents…

That her childhood may not have been perfect…but its

What she would and wouldn’t do for love or more…

How to live alone… Even if she doesn’t like it…

Whom she can trust, whom she can’t, and why she shouldn’t
Take it personally…

Where to go… Be it to her best friend’s kitchen table…
Or a charming inn in the woods…
When her soul needs soothing…

What she can and can’t accomplish in a day…
A month…and a year…