
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Vaheguru .........................
Vaheguru (Punjabi: ਵਾਹਗੁਰੂੂ, vāhgurū; also transliterated Vaheguru) is a term used by Sikhs to refer to the infinite creator, God. It means "The Wonderful Lord" in the Punjabi language.
Vaheguru is for Sikhs the gurmantra (invocatory formula received from the guru) or nam for repetition (silently or aloud, with or without a rosary) and meditation upon the Supreme Reality. Bhai Gurdas in his Varan refers to it variously as japu mantra (invocation for repetition), guru sabadu (the Guru’s Word), sachu mantra (true mantra) and gurmantra. It is also called nam (the Name), and is sometimes compounded as “Satinam-Vaheguru” to be chanted aloud in congregations. Nam japna (repeated utterance of God’s Name, i.e. Vaheguru) is one of the three cardinal moral principles of Sikhism, the other two being kirat karni or honest labour and vand chhakna or sharing one’s victuals with the needy. Since the manifestation of the Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699, Vaheguru has been part of the Sikh salutation: "Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki Fateh" ("Hail the Khalsa who belongs to the Lord God! Hail the Lord God to whom belongs the victory! !" ). It has since also been the gurmantra imparted formally at initiation to the novitiate by the leader of the Panj Piare administering the rites.
Please recite the naam
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Devotion is nothing but a tremendous creativity and the whole world is by and by transfigured, transplanted into a new dimension. Everything becomes luminous with personality. Nothing is a thing... everything has a soul. You impart the soul, or it has always been there but you were blind. Love opens your eyes and you discover -- yes, that is more correct: you discover the soul. So let it be a continuous adventure. Look at things, look at people, at the sky, but let love be flowing. Your love will create the world around you, a new world, a new being That new being is what in the old ages people used to call God. God is not somebody sitting somewhere. Unless you impart godhood to existence, God is nowhere to be found. Unless you create Him, He is nowhere. God exists in the love of the devotee. You get me? In the love of the devotee, God exists. Devotion is that creativity, that poetic way of looking at the world. Romance in the eyes is what devotion is. Poetry in the heart, that's what devotion is. So let that by and by be imbibed by you.
Logic is a very destructive force. It is a question of love. So from this very moment start moving in a very very loving way. Even if somebody comes and kills you, it is God who has become the murderer. Good if He chooses that way, but don't take the godhood from the person. He may be a murderer but he remains a God. Somebody insults you, he is very antagonistic and full of hatred for you; that makes no difference... God is playing that way. It is said about Mansoor, the great sufi mystic, that when he was killed, he laughed. He was murdered, butchered, in a crueler way than Jesus. His limbs were cut one by one: first his feet, then his hands, then his eyes, then his tongue. He was killed pan by pan and it was a tremendous agony, but when he was being killed, he laughed. He looked at the sky and laughed tremendously. an uproarious laugh. People were shocked.. .they could not believe it -- 'Has he gone mad? This is no situation in which to laugh!' And when somebody asked from the crowd, 'Why are you laughing, Mansoor?' he said, 'I am laughing because He cannot deceive me. In whatsoever form He comes, I will recognise Him. So I am laughing at Him!' He was laughing to God saying,'You cannot deceive me. In whatsoever form you come, I will love you ! You cannot trick me. I have known you and I have known you once and for all.' So become a devotee. This is your name -- forget the old name. Now this is going to be your birthdate from now onwards. Remember this day as your birth. The old man is gone. Say goodbye to him, because he has brought you here.
Prem means love and Dhruva is the sanskrit word for the polar star. This is the star which is the most permanent, unmoving star. Everything goes on moving but this is the only star which doesn't move. 'Love is the polar star' -- that is the meaning of the name. Everything moves, only love never moves. Everything changes, only love remains permanent. In this changing world only love is the unchanging substance. Everything else is a flux, momentary. Only love is eternal. So these two things you have to remember. One is love, because that is the only thing that is non-illusory. That is the only reality; everything else is a dream. So if one can become loving, one becomes real. If one attains to total love, one has become himself, the truth, because love is the only truth. And the second thing, Dhruva. When you are walking, remember that something in you never walks. That's your soul, your polar star. You eat, but something in you never eats. You become angry, but something in you never becomes angry. You do a thousand and one things, but something in you remains absolutely beyond doing. That is your polar star. So walking, remember that which never walks. Moving, remember the immobile. Talking, remember silence. Doing things, remember being. Always remember that which is absolutely permanent, which never flickers, never wavers, which knows no change. That unchanging one within you is the real. And love is the way to find it. That's why I call love the most real thing. So love is going to be the path. And that polar star within you -- call it God, kingdom of the within, atma, soul, or whatsoever -- but that polar star, that permanent substance in you, your very essence, that is the goal.
Love is the way. The more loving you become, the closer you come to your polar star. The more unloving you are, the father you are from your polar star. So love really is nothing but closeness to one's being. That's why everybody is hankering for love so much because when love is there, you are. When love is not there, you are not. When love is not there, then you are just a dream. When love is there, then you are really tremendously real. Only in a few moments of love, one touches the substratum of life, the ground, the very ground. Love gives you a grounding... one feels rooted. So love, and when somebody else loves you, allow it; never create any barriers. People do two wrong things. First, they make themselves so hard that they cannot love. And then when somebody comes and knocks at their door, they refuse, because by refusing love the ego feels very very good. The ego always feels good whenever love is refused because it feels powerful. Whenever love is accepted, the ego feels powerless. If you love, the ego disappears. If you don't love, the ego becomes more and more concrete. So people don't love, and even if somebody wants to share his being with them, or her being with them, they refuse. They go on becoming more and more hard and father away from reality. So remember two things: love is the way and the unmoving within you is the goal.
The more you love, the younger you will remain. When you don't love you start becoming old, because when you don't love you lose contact with yourself. Love is nothing but coming in contact with yourself via the other... somebody who accepts you, mirrors you as you are. So good, nothing to be worried about. But problems will arise out of it because you don't know how to cope with your childhood. ... that's what others have taught you, because children are not accepted. Everybody teaches them to become older. Everybody says to them, 'Be mature, don't be childish.' And it is natural in a way because old people manage young people, so old people like them to be just like themselves. They completely forget that they are children. They should not be forced to be old. Old they will become by themselves one day, but there is no need to force. That forcing creates an unripe maturity, a very confusing state. The fruit starts looking as if it is ripe but deep inside at the very core, it remains unripe. So you will have to learn to accept it. The child is beautiful -- accept it and enjoy it. Don't feel guilty about it. Reclaim your childhood. That's you. That's your real face. And there is no way to be somebody else. You can go on trying but everything will prove a failure. One remains oneself. That's why you have become false and you feel that you have been false for your whole life. Now if you fight with your childhood, again you will be false.
So drop that effort. You are playing old tapes. Your parents, society, teachers, have conditioned your mind. Drop that conditioning! Love can be the right situation to drop all conditioning. Love is an unconditioning. It simply takes away the old patterns and does not give you a new pattern. If it gives you a new pattern, again it is no more love. Then again the politics has started. That's what your mother has done to you, your father has done to you. Your mother says, 'If you don't do what I am saying, I will not love you.' You know how to manipulate your mother's love. You have to be somebody other than who you are and then she is loving. If you are simply yourself, she is angry, annoyed. The child by and by learns it... a simple diplomacy that one is not accepted as one is so one has to be very political. And the child is absolutely helpless. He cannot escape, he cannot fight back. If he has to survive, he has to be political. Hence everybody has become a politician. Drop that politics and just be -- whatsoever it is. Don't judge it because that judgement will not be yours; it will be your mother's, your father's, your society's. It will be their voice inside you telling you that you are doing wrong. If you listen rightly, you can immediately catch who it is speaking. When you are feeling childish, being childish, some voice inside immediately says, 'What are you doing? That is not good:' If you are alert, perceptive, you can see who is saying this. You can find out if it is your mother's voice or your father's voice or maybe both together. It is a tape. This is what people call conscience. It is not conscience. It is a trick. Conscience arises only out of consciousness. In French, I think, they have only one word for conscience and consciousness. That's right, that's absolutely as it should be. Consciousness is conscience, but ordinarily you have conscience and consciousness separate. Consciousness is what is happening to you as you are relaxing and becoming a child; that is conscious. And then conscience comes in, the parental voice. It says, 'What are you doing? This is wrong,' and immediately you become tense, and then there is confusion because now there are two alternatives, so what to do and what not to do? ... Again you are thinking of the other and how to manipulate the other and do what she needs. Don't be bothered. Do that which you need. Be absolutely selfish and you will never hurt anybody, because when you are absolutely selfish you never do anything wrong to anybody.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Is it Selfishness....?
The song "Greatest Love of All," contains the following lyrics: "I found the greatest love of all/Inside of me/ ... Learning to love yourself/It is the greatest love of all." There are many types of love that we have for the people in our lives: love for a romantic partner or spouse, for our family, for our children, for our friends, for humanity, in general, and for ourselves. Which of these is most important? Which should be our first priority? Is self-love the "Greatest Love of All"? Or is it selfish and self-indulgent?
Suppose you find your "soul mate" and feel that all-encompassing love that everyone seems to seek... Should you love yourself above your soul mate? Should your self-love mean more to you than your soul mate's love for you? What about your parents, your children, and/or your friends? Should you put your love for yourself before your love for them? Although I believe that love for others is extremely important, I believe that self-love should - and must - come first.
What about you? Do you agree? Or are you cringing? Do you feel uneasy with this idea? Or does it make perfect sense? We hear, over and over again, "Before you can love someone else, you have to love yourself, first." The saying has almost become a cliché. Yet, on some level, many of us feel uncomfortable with this. Why might this be so?
So many of us, especially women, are caregivers. Whether we wear the label of spouse, parent, nurse, doctor, teacher, counselor, volunteer worker, or any of a host of other identities, many of us tend to put the needs of others before our own needs. We try to please and care for others first, often putting ourselves last. In many cultures, women, especially, have been rewarded for being caregivers - and sometimes punished for not exhibiting those qualities.
In my counseling practice, I encounter a lot of people who believe that to love yourself, or to give to yourself, is a "bad" thing. They see this as "selfish" or "self-centered." I recall an example from my own youth. As a teenager, I wanted to be a performing artist. I loved to be onstage, especially in musicals when I got to sing solos. Admittedly, as a particularly romantic teen dealing with the joys and tears of crushes and heartbreaks, I had a way of creating some drama in the rest of my life, as well. Once in a while, my mother would admonish me by saying, "You always wanted to be the center of attention!" The tone in which she made this statement clearly conveyed that I should feel ashamed of myself. It worked: I did. Whether or not she intended it, I got the message that expressing myself in any way that might be different, that might call attention to myself, was deplorable... and to enjoy my own talents, to recognize my gifts -- or (God forbid) to feel good about myself -- was even worse!
When I talk of self-love, I am NOT advocating that we should stop caring for others, and just focus on ourselves. Being in service and giving back to your community is something I believe is very important. Showing kindness to others and demonstrating our caring for our loved ones is a key to having a fulfilling life. However, maintaining a balance is critical. You cannot keep giving to others if you do not give to yourself, first. It is like pouring water from a vessel: you cannot pour and pour without ever refilling it - eventually, it will run dry. Like that vessel, we, too, need to refill, recharge, and re-energize. We need to replenish ourselves, by loving and giving to ourselves.
Learning to love yourself may be the greatest love you ever experience and achieve. Self-love is not "selfish" or bad. When you love yourself, you will feel good about yourself, and you will feel better about the world. This will make it easier for you to give love to others. Especially if you are a parent or any type of caregiver, you must not forget to take time out to care for yourself. When you take time to re-energize, you will have more energy both for yourself and to share with the people you love and those in your care. The person who feels self-love is generally happier and much more pleasant to be around than the person who lacks self-love and self-esteem. Embodying self-love is the greatest example we can set for our children, for our loved ones, for our friends, and for all those we encounter in our lives.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Come Forth
Come forth O Soul.
Come forth and be the true Light Of my Being.
Walk forth with me,
Stand tall within my spine,
Breathe the depth of breath into my lungs.
Reach into the Heart of the Divine.
Be my cup.
Fill me to overflow.
Baptize me in the waters Of the mysteries of thy spirit.
Be my imprint, my skin,
My Truth and Totality Within the realm of God.
Be my Mother, my Father.
My honor, my frailty, my humanness.
Be my companion on the road.
Hold me to my Truth, Do not separate.
Come forth with me into every
Note of my radiant song.
The eternal melody that trills the Dawn of Love.
O Soul come forth.
Draw me close, enter as a lover.
Whisper soul sonnets in my ear.
Caress and sing me the Song of the lost traveller
Too long from home.
I shall never leave… I shall never leave.
Bliss lies within the Breath of my Soul.
The Impact of Awakening

Excerpts from the Teachings of Adyashanti:
“The door to God is the insecurity of not knowing anything.
Bear the grace of that insecurity, and all wisdom will be yours.”
“Love is a flame that burns everything other than itself.
It is the destruction of all that is false and the fulfillment of all that is true.”
“Keep questioning right down to the marrow, until the question dissolves ~~
leaving only a passing draft where there was once a solid illusion called self.”
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
When You Say Nothing At All
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I can never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
All day long I can hear people talking out loud (oh…)
But when you hold me near (oh, hold me near)
You drown out the crowd (drown out crowd)
Try as they may, they can never define
What's been said between your heart and mine
The smile on your face let me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all…oh
Oh, the smile on your face let's I know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
(The smile on your face)
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
(The truth in your eyes)
(The touch of your hand)
You were always on my mind
Quite as often as I could have
Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
If I made you feel second best
Girl I'm sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tell me, tell me that your
Sweet love hasn't died
And give me
Give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied
Little things I should have
Said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Importance of Kaur
Have you ever thought why Guru Ji, Guru Gobind Singh, gave the Kaur surname to Sikh women? Why did he not accept the status quo and keep the tradition of the woman's surname being determined by her family's name? What was Guru Ji trying to achieve by calling the Sikh woman "A Princess" (literal meaning of Kaur)?
To try to understand the possible reasons behind Guru Ji's decision, we need to look at the situation at the time in different cultures. In Indian society, the brides first and last name was often changed after her marriage. This still happens today. However, this tradition of name changing does not occur just in India. It is a phenomenon, which occurs across the whole world today. Why are women's surnames changed? The reason is family linkage. Surnames allow others to identify you and your family. In some cases the surname can tell others much more about you, such as your caste. For women the linkage to family is different in comparison to men. Their identity changes with marriage. They are no longer associated with their parents, but with their Husband's family. Unsurprisingly, the man's name never changes. Some cultures go as far as considering the woman to be the property of others. This was so for the Hindu Law giver, Manu, who claimed that no woman should ever be independent. Christianity considered woman to be a product of man as Eve had come from "the rib" of Adam. Psychologically, women have accepted these unjust rules. They have resigned to male dominance and allowed themselves to become second-class citizens. Guru A changed all this with the revelation of the Khalsa. He gave women the opportunity to live life free of the chains of a dogmatic society. It was God's Hukam (will).
Once initiated into the Khalsa, Sikh women obtain the surname Kaur. The surname Singh (Lion) is given to men, but Kaur (princess) is reserved solely for women. This difference in names is not about inequality. Rather, Guru ji recognises the difference between men and women. As individuals we are all different from each other, but this difference does not imply inequality. Women and men are different but remain equals. Guru ji considered women and men to be unique. He respected the sexes and, therefore, made the distinction in surnames.
When you take amrit you are told to consider Guru Gobind Singh as your father and Mata Sahib Kaur as your mother. By joining the Khalsa you abandon all previous chains of linkage. You become the direct descendants of Guru Gobind Singh and Mata Sahib Kaur. You become their daughters. The Khalsa becomes your family. Thus, from the day you are born to the day you die your name remains the same. You do not have to change it due to marriage. Unfortunately, the tradition of using the "Kaur" surname has all but disappeared amongst Sikh women. It is either dropped, in favour of caste surnames, or misused as a middle name. Guru Ji never designed it as such. Have we not belittled his concepts? Have we lost so much self-esteem that we must copy the bigoted traditions of others?
Sikh women are today demanding equal rights. Rightly so. However, they fail to realise that they themselves create inequality by not considering themselves princesses. They no longer consider themselves as daughters of the Khalsa. Why should Sikh women feel that they must change their names after marriage? This is not part of the Sikh tradition. It belongs to others. Leave it to them. It has nothing to do with the Sikhs, Vaheguru gave us these names. Real freedom can only be found ail Sikhi Real freedom is the freedom ones feels from within, and not the show of freedom we pretend to have m the outside world.
By keeping your unique and beautiful Sikh identity you are maintaining the freedom given to you by Guru ji Ultimately, only those who keep the "Kaur" surname can truly understand its importance. Others will make excuses about the difficulty of having such a common surname It makes paper work and identification difficult! Why make such excuses? We do not hear Patels or Smiths complaining. Mere excuses.
The Nitnem is the Command given by the True Guru.
If you recite your Banis consciously,
You will gain Divine Knowledge.
It is by Guru’s Grace that I tell you this,
And it is by God’s Grace that you will be merged with Him.
When your Soul feels sad,
recite JAPJI in the depth of your Inner Self.
When your body feels useless, recite SHABAD HAZAARE.
When your Dignity is threatened, meditate on JAAP SAHIB.
When nothing seems to satisfy you,
sing TEV PRASAAD SWAYIA each day.
When you feel hopeless, unsuccessful, and worthless,
That is the time to sing REHIRAS.
When your lower self confronts you, and you seem to have no money,
When your affairs all seem to fail, and your mind can find no Peace,
That is the time to sing ANAND SAHIB.
When your life seems boring, and you feel uninspired,
That’s when you should sing KIRTAN SOHILA.
When the Light of your Soul is dim, and the dark ethers surround you,
Then recite the BHAUGATI ARDAS.
If you sing SUKHMANI from your heart,
You shall be wealthy and exhalted, beyond your wildest dreams.
All the Bliss your mind desires, is yours,
when you meditate on Gobind, the destroyer of cruelty.
The Kingdom of the one who chants the Gurmantra,
Wahe Guru, Shall endure for ever and ever.
If you chant Sat Nam, all your affairs are arranged,
And all your desires are fulfilled.
When you sing Sopurkh, the Vision of the
Infinite Creator shall come to you.
The entire Universe fills the meditation,
Of the one who sings the watch of the So Dar.
When you sing the praises of Guru Ram Das,
God manifests in your Innermost Soul.
The Siri Sargam is such a powerful Naad,
That hearing it, even the homeless shall find a good home.
Hearing and singing the Guru Gayatri,
Rishi Dusht Daman will be the Protector of your home.
The Paintees Akharee gives the understanding of Yoga.
Benti Chaupee liberates the Soul.
Whoever listens to, or recites the Bara Maha to others,
His home becomes an
By eating lightly of healthy food,
One experiences the Bliss of Brahm,
and complete Liberation.
The Guru’s Lungar is the very best food!
The entire Universe meditates at the Harimandir.
Whosoever recites his Nitnem Daily,
Is blessed by Akal with Peace and Bliss!
Monday, January 14, 2008
“The whole of life is a great cosmic joke. It is not a serious phenomenon -- take it seriously and you will go on missing it. It is understood only through laughter.
Have you not observed that man is the only animal who laughs? Aristotle says man is the rational animal. That may not be true -- because ants are very rational and bees are very rational. In fact, compared to ants, man looks almost irrational. And a computer is very rational -- compared to a computer, man is very irrational.
My definition of man is that man is the laughing animal. No computer laughs, no ant laughs, no bee laughs. If you come across a dog laughing you will be so scared! Or a buffalo suddenly laughs: you may have a heart attack. It is only man who can laugh, it is the highest peak of growth. And it is through laughter that you will reach to God -- because it is only through the highest that is in you that you can reach the ultimate. Laughter has to become the bridge.
Laugh your way to God. I don't say pray your way to God, I say laugh your way.to God. If you can laugh you will be able to love. If you can laugh you will be able to relax. Laughter relaxes like nothing else.”
7 Steps to....................!
2 Commitment will give you CHARACTER, all your facets, flaws and facts are under control. Yin and yang meet here. There is balance. It is not you who wins in the end, it is your character. Are your life habits demoting or promoting this?
3 Character will give you DIGNITY, people start liking , trusting and respecting you.
4 This will give you DIVINITY where people have no duality or fear about you.
5 Divinity will give you GRACE a person of grace is gracious and has no hidden agendas .
6 This gives you THE POWER TO SACRIFICE you can stand pain for other people.
7 That sacrifice will give you HAPPINESS.
I am YOU and you are ME
I remembered something that I do in my mind to curb judgments, "otherness", division of people, etc. The normal tendency is to react and treat people differently who you don’t know or are not part of your family. We tend to be less compassionate and understanding to these "outsiders".
Guru Nanak taught us about God being in every thing and every person. So how do we start to see the sameness, the human-ness of everyone around us, rather than finding the differences. No matter what the person is like, I always try to think of the other person as a mirror of myself. Like they are a different cell in a larger body (God). Just as in your own body there are trillions of cells that are different, and work together to be a whole person and create the miracle of the human body. Every human around us has it’s own role and path. I think we merely need to start recognizing that the other person is YOU and you are THEM (even though we are different!). This helps me to not look at the other person as something other than me/God…and gives me more compassion and understanding towards others, no matter what they do.
When I see another person I say to myself "I am YOU…and you are ME". So if I am driving my car to work and the person in front of me is going really slow and frustrating me because of this or some other random thing, I visualize myself actually as that person imagining myself in their life. Try it the next time you see someone else…or something angers or frustrates you!
Too often we have a one sided perspective and only see from our own ego and perspective. This makes us more critical and judgmental of others. As soon as you open things up and see the person as you and part of God, you start to see a much wider view. With this wider view you are able to be less reactive and more compassionate, servicefull, humble, and in the end more happy in your life! So the next time you feel/think something about a person give it a try! Imagine that they are you…and you are them. Feel how they might be feeling. Become one, and feel yourself as part of this Universal Organism (God), each serving it’s own function.
Friday, January 11, 2008
When a child is born, the first social activity that the child learns — or maybe it is not right to say learns, because he brings it with himself — is smiling. The first social activity. By smiling he becomes part of society. It seems very natural, spontaneous. Other things will come later on — that is his first spark of being in the world, when he smiles. When a mother sees her child smiling, she becomes tremendously happy...because that smile shows health, that smile shows intelligence, that smile shows that the child is not stupid, not retarded. That smile shows that the child is going to live, love, be happy. The mother is simply thrilled.
Smiling is the first social activity, and should remain the basic social activity. One should go on laughing the whole of one’s life.
I am not saying don’t weep. In fact, if you cannot laugh, you cannot weep. They go together; they are part of one phenomenon: of being true and authentic.
There are millions of people whose tears have dried; their eyes have lost luster, depth; their eyes have lost water — because they cannot weep, they cannot cry; tears cannot flow naturally. If laughter is crippled, tears are also crippled.
And if you can weep and laugh well, you are alive. The dead man cannot laugh and cannot weep. The dead man can be serious. Watch: go and look at a corpse — the dead man can be serious in a more skillful way than you can be. Only an alive man can laugh and weep and cry.
These are moods of your inner being, these are climates — enriching. But, by and by, everybody forgets. That which was natural in the beginning becomes unnatural. You need somebody to poke you into laughter, tickle you into laughter; only then do you laugh. That’s why so many jokes exist in the world.
Laughter brings strength. Now, even medical science says that laughter is one of the most deep-going medicines nature has provided man with.
If you can laugh when you are ill you will get your health back sooner.
If you cannot laugh, even if you are healthy, sooner or later you will lose your health and you will become ill.
Laughter brings some energy from your inner source to your surface. Energy starts flowing, follows laughter like a shadow. Have you watched it?
Thinking stops. It is impossible to laugh and think together. They are diametrically opposite: either you can laugh or you can think. If you really laugh, thinking stops. If you are still thinking, laughter will be just so-so, it will be just so-so, lagging behind. It will be a crippled laughter.
When you really laugh, suddenly mind disappears. As far as I know, dancing and laughter are the best, natural, easily approachable doors. If you really dance, thinking stops. You go on and on, you whirl and whirl, and you become a whirlpool: all boundaries, all divisions are lost. You don’t even know where your body ends and where the existence begins. You melt into existence and the existence melts into you; there is an overlapping of boundaries. And if you are really dancing — not managing it but allowing it to manage you, allowing it to possess you — if you are possessed by dance, thinking stops.
The same happens with laughter. If you are possessed by laughter, thinking stops. And if you know a few moments of no-mind, those glimpses will promise you many more rewards that are going to come. You just have to become more and more of the sort, of the quality, of no-mind. More and more, thinking has to be dropped.
Laughter can be a beautiful introduction to a non-thinking state.
The moment you feel that sleep is gone, first start laughing, then open the eyes — and that will set a trend for the whole day.
You have created a chain effect; one thing leads to another. Laughter leads to more laughter.
Almost always I have seen people doing just the wrong thing. From the very early morning they get out of bed complaining, gloomy, sad, depressed, miserable. Then one thing leads to another...and for nothing. And they get angry...it is very bad because it will change your climate for the whole day, it will set a pattern for the whole day.